Monday, February 25, 2013

DIY Avocado Eye Makeup Remover

I've always been low maintenance. But now, after two kids, I'm especially low maintenance. My daily makeup routine has dwindled over the years to a quick coat of mascara. On a good day.

I had been using the most delightful smelling eye makeup remover on the market. It contained white tea and the scent was so soothing and wonderful. I looked forward to cleaning the mascara off of my lashes each night! But something weird happened about halfway through my last pregnancy. Suddenly, nothing would remove my mascara. It's like my skin secreted some strange mixture of oilishness {for lack of a better word} and no commercial product would do the trick.

Desperate to find something that would remove my mascara without also removing my skin and lashes, I tried this DIY eye makeup remover. It worked! {I did have to add some extra olive oil to the mixture after a while, but as long as I gave it a good shake, I was in business.} This time around, I altered the proportions slightly and decided to try it with avocado oil instead of the olive oil. Avocado is amazing for your skin. It contains a high Vitamin E content, has a natural hydrating ability, helps to produce more skin collagen and reduce the occurrence of age spots, and it's high in omega-3s which help to block harmful UV rays. {Click here to read more}

Needless to say, my avocado eye makeup remover works like a charm. With barely any pressure and wiping, all of my makeup is removed and the skin around my eyes appears smoother and softer. I have never been an eye cream person {too expensive and really, I haven't seen too many real life success stories} but I will say that I've noticed a considerable difference in the skin under my eyes since I started making my own eye makeup remover. It really does make eye cream unnecessary. And the best part is that it's super inexpensive to make.

Avocado Eye Makeup Remover
What you need:
~ 1/2 c. distilled water
~ 1-2 tsp. avocado oil {I started with 1 tsp. and added a little more to suit my liking}
~ 1/4 tsp. Castile soap {I used Dr. Bronner's unscented baby-mild}

What you do:
Simply mix everything together and use. Make sure to give it a good shake before using to ensure that everything gets mixed up.

Give it a shot and let me know what you think! Are you a DIY cosmetic person? What products do you swear by for removing makeup?

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